Sunday Mornings are special for us here at Fox Creek. We offer an 8:45am Service and an 11am Service as a time we get to come together as a family and recognize what God has done for us through worship.
As was the practice of the early church, our worship consists of songs of praise where we are able to express our love for God and acknowledge His love for us. The style of our praise worship involves contemporary, traditional and blended congregational songs.
Another part of worship includes a weekly time of communion for believers to examine their lives and remember the sacrifice Christ made for us while we partake of the Lord’s Supper as Jesus instructed us to “take this in remembrance of me.”
We realize it’s the responsibility of the members of our congregation to support the missions and ministries of the local church and we want to give an opportunity for them to do so by receiving an offering each week. Just as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 16:2 “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income…” we think regular giving is an important act of worship. We encourage our members to practice the biblical example of tithing (10% of income) but also encourage each one to give as the Lord has impressed upon their heart as the need arises. As a guest we don’t expect you to give and we won’t ask for your money, please consider our worship time together as a gift to you.
Another aspect of our worship is God’s Holy Word. We emphasize God’s Word in everything we do, from our purpose for meeting together to our purpose for going out into the world. Acts 2:42 tells us the members of the first Church “were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” God’s Word provides us with our direction and reason for being the Church, so we will point you to His Word as a part of worship.
Lastly, we believe in the power of prayer and the important role it plays in worship. We believe one way God communicates to us is through our prayers and He wants us to give Him thanks, seek forgiveness and bring our petitions before Him in fervent, earnest prayer. Corporate prayer in worship gives us a way to agree upon requests and pursue God’s blessings.
This is basically what a Sunday Morning Service consists of for us. We do offer a great Bible-emphasized, interactive, Children’s Church at Kid’s Creek during our Early Worship time and Second Worship Service. We’d love to have you join us. You’ll find that we’re just one big happy family looking to add you to the family.
As was the practice of the early church, our worship consists of songs of praise where we are able to express our love for God and acknowledge His love for us. The style of our praise worship involves contemporary, traditional and blended congregational songs.
Another part of worship includes a weekly time of communion for believers to examine their lives and remember the sacrifice Christ made for us while we partake of the Lord’s Supper as Jesus instructed us to “take this in remembrance of me.”
We realize it’s the responsibility of the members of our congregation to support the missions and ministries of the local church and we want to give an opportunity for them to do so by receiving an offering each week. Just as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 16:2 “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income…” we think regular giving is an important act of worship. We encourage our members to practice the biblical example of tithing (10% of income) but also encourage each one to give as the Lord has impressed upon their heart as the need arises. As a guest we don’t expect you to give and we won’t ask for your money, please consider our worship time together as a gift to you.
Another aspect of our worship is God’s Holy Word. We emphasize God’s Word in everything we do, from our purpose for meeting together to our purpose for going out into the world. Acts 2:42 tells us the members of the first Church “were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” God’s Word provides us with our direction and reason for being the Church, so we will point you to His Word as a part of worship.
Lastly, we believe in the power of prayer and the important role it plays in worship. We believe one way God communicates to us is through our prayers and He wants us to give Him thanks, seek forgiveness and bring our petitions before Him in fervent, earnest prayer. Corporate prayer in worship gives us a way to agree upon requests and pursue God’s blessings.
This is basically what a Sunday Morning Service consists of for us. We do offer a great Bible-emphasized, interactive, Children’s Church at Kid’s Creek during our Early Worship time and Second Worship Service. We’d love to have you join us. You’ll find that we’re just one big happy family looking to add you to the family.
We believe Bible education is an important part of our Christian walk. It's important to help us all grow in spiritual maturity and strength. Because we believe Bible education is so important we want to offer as many opportunities for people to be fed as possible. Our Adult and Youth Sunday School program is geared towards helping our members grow into sound spiritual leaders within our church and community.
We have a wide range of opportunities for people to get involved in this ministry. We currently offer 3 adult Sunday School classes.
Class 1 meets in Building A - next to the church offices - and is a blend of young and experienced adults studying the Standard Publishing Sunday School curriculum lesson plan.
Cass 2 meets in Building B - Fellowship Hall and is also a blend of young and experienced adults studying various topical issues facing the church in our society today.
Class 3 meets in Building A - old chapel - and is mostly made up of younger adult's studying various Christian books and Bible topics.
We also offer other age- appropriate children's and youth classes that study a variety of topics and standard Bible lessons.
We have a wide range of opportunities for people to get involved in this ministry. We currently offer 3 adult Sunday School classes.
Class 1 meets in Building A - next to the church offices - and is a blend of young and experienced adults studying the Standard Publishing Sunday School curriculum lesson plan.
Cass 2 meets in Building B - Fellowship Hall and is also a blend of young and experienced adults studying various topical issues facing the church in our society today.
Class 3 meets in Building A - old chapel - and is mostly made up of younger adult's studying various Christian books and Bible topics.
We also offer other age- appropriate children's and youth classes that study a variety of topics and standard Bible lessons.
Our Sunday Evening Worship time is a casual, laid back time of worship through traditional hymns in the traditional setting of our historic chapel. The service is a combination of preaching, teaching, discussion and fun. This gathering is a mix of new, young and more experienced Christians as each seeks to learn more about our role in the Church and God's role in us. It's a great opportunity for new members and those considering becoming new members or seekers to become acclimated in a friendly, non-intimidating setting. During our Sunday Evening Worship time our Student Ministry (FC3) and our Children's Ministry (Kid's Creek) have their own time of service, fun and learning. So come as a guest, leave as family.
We have multiple opportunities for people to come together on Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm in various small group elective classes and Combined Group classes called WN630. Our WN630 classes include studies that address the interests and needs of the congregation which helps each person recognize their Christian calling and allows them to dig deeper into the Word of God through study, instruction and discussion.
Our Student Ministry (FC3) and Children's Ministry (Kids Creek) meet during WN630 for their own unique brand of study and interaction. Classes are open to everyone and we would like to invite you to join us and build some relationships .
Our Student Ministry (FC3) and Children's Ministry (Kids Creek) meet during WN630 for their own unique brand of study and interaction. Classes are open to everyone and we would like to invite you to join us and build some relationships .